
You're awesome...but seriously

I used to hate when people told me that I had to "love myself first" what does that even mean? I always felt like I loved myself, I definitely didn't hate myself but what did that even mean. Was I supposed to be super self-absorbed or cocky? Was that proving that I "loved myself"?

I still don't think I know the answer to that question but I do think I have more of an inkling. Loving yourself is understanding your self-worth and what you deserve out of life (professionally, personally and everything in between). 

A lot of times we get bogged down in our lives and think that we can find our happiness in something/someone else. It makes everything seem easier if we receive some sort of validation. Assuming that our worth is somehow dependent on what others say or think. False. That is simply the lie that society tells us to believe. If your confidence is based on something subjective, you will never truly be confident. 

Whether we can admit it or not, we are all trying to be someone that "everyone" likes. In reality we are ALL insecure. Even the coolest person you know doesn't think they are all that cool. We are all striving to be something better than we think we are. People are people, others are just wrapped in shinier paper. Peel that away and we all hate the days a zit seems to appear right on the middle of our cheek or we can't help but question if we did the "right" thing.

Trusting in God and knowing that He has made you perfect in His eyes, will take some weight off your shoulders. The beautiful thing about knowing that is that you don't have to prove your worth to anyone but God. Accept the things you think make you "imperfect" and focus on the gifts you bring to this world.

Challenge: For the next 10 days find one thing everyday you truly appreciate about yourself. It can be anything from your eyes to your compassion for others. Focus on that one thing throughout the day & who knows you just might discover something new you love about yourself. 


50 Lessons & Tips I Learned in College

So here's what you have to do...take 128 credit hours, get on the dean's list, figure out what job you want for the rest of your life, oh and get enough competitive job experience for said job. Have a fun and memorable social life that you can tell your grandkids about. Also, please figure out who you really are.
 You have four years. 


Fresh out of high school and I was ready to take on the world (or at least my area code). So in preparation for college I netflixed Animal House Legally Blonde, bought a new planner, kissed my parents goodbye and set out on my next adventure.

College for me was a marathon. From impromptu twerking sessions with my sorority sisters to 2 a.m. Wal-Mart trips for glue sticks, some of the best lessons I have learned came from the past 700 days it took me to get to this finish line.

Throughout this time I have learned to test my own boundaries, always be the one to start the conversation and it's okay to get a speeding ticket or two (seriously:/ I was on my way to the Taylor Swift concert).

Learning all these lessons is part of the fun, but I thought I'd share some lessons and tips that I didn't learn in the classroom. To quote King George Strait, "we aren't here for a long time, we're here for a good time."
  1. Use men's razors - ditch the venus...your legs will feel like dolphin's skin 
  2. Keep an open mind (Thank you Rachel Coffman:) - Don't waste your time and energy judging others. Everyone has something beautiful and unique to offer, and often just need the opportunity to express it. Along these lines, if someone does something that catches your eye, let them know. All too often we admire others and never let them know what's special about them. Compliments can do a person a world of good, and you may never how you can impact them. 
  3. Sleep on silk pillowcases - not only will this decrease wrinkles but I imagine this is how Beyonce sleeps too 
  4. Grades don't really matter - now before my mom yells at me for this one let me explain myself! The big grades matter but the lesson is don't sweat the small stuff. The one F on your anthropology is not the death of your success, just don't make it a habit
  5. Deodorant fights blisters - Rub it all over your heels and anywhere you think you might get a blister. It can save you from those awful Sperry blisters!
  6. Friends = Quality over quantity (Thank you Alex:)- Remember that it does not matter how many twitter followers friends you have, it is friends who are tested through and through that matter.There is nothing more important than surrounding yourself with those that will continually lift you up and remind you what a good friend is! Never settle to be around people who echo negativity. Always strive to be around those who are secure in who they are and in result allow you to be the person you are!
  7. Write handwritten thank you notes - It is so simple and thoughtful! Snail mail is still greatly appreciated
  8. Step out of your comfort zone (Thank you Margaret:)- College is all about trying new things and new experiences. When you start doing things that you aren't used to that is when you are able to really grow. I know changing can be scary, but it is a part of growing up. It's how we find out who we are and who we're gonna be. 
  9. Dye your hair whatever color you want - college is the only time in your life you'll be able to get away with this...I had a dark red/purple phase
  10. Use the on-campus tutoring programs - don't let yourself struggle through that horrible class that you are completely lost in! Seek out the programs they have for you on campus, they are free and saved me through statistics!!
  11. Find the perfect red lipstick - MAC Russian Roulette is magic! With the right outfit you can pretty much do anything you want!
  12. Don't be afraid to hear no - most of the time it won't be no, you just have to make the effort
  13. Keep your toes painted - you never know who might see the little piggies and you don't want them to look like dead feet 
  14. Make your bed every morning - it instantly makes your room look that much cleaner 
  15. Dry shampoo will save your life - the best investment I have made in college
  16. Find career role models - for me it's Sam Ponder, it's important to look up to someone who is in your industry that you strive to be like
  17. Don't take diet pills - none of that garbage really works, just be healthy! The sooner you embrace your body, you become that much more beautiful.  
  18. Keep your social media clean ALWAYS - nothing really goes away on the internet! If you don't want your grandfather to see it, then don't put it up there 
  19. Keep a journal - it is so fun to look back on how you felt and what you were doing 
  20. Invest in a good candle - Volcano from Anthropologie is heavenly 
  21. A netflix account is a necessity - you will never be bored again 
  22. Have guys take you out on actual dates - Girls romance is only dead if you let it be! Don't settle for hanging out in his dorm/apartment, that does not count as a first date! Dates can be cheap too, go to the park for a picnic or buy groupons!!
  23. Don't cake on the makeup - Believe it or not, you are beautiful the way you are! Now, I like to apply some makeup when I'm going to an event but you never want to be that girl that hides her beauty under too much makeup! Plus it will give you acne, less is more:)
  24. Always have a chocolate bar on hand - you never know when you might need it 
  25. Your parents are your friends - as you are growing older so are they, take time to learn from them and appreciate them! They actually do know what they are talking about!!
  26. Forget designers - you're a broke college student so why spend the money when you can get the same thing from Forever 21 
  27. Start building your credit - for me it was with a car payment but others opened a credit card
  28. Have as many internships as possible - internships and career experience in college are invaluable and will help you big time when it comes time to apply for jobs 
  29. Be an uplifter - support those around you 
  30. You can never have too many pairs of black leggings - I wear mine to work, school, yoga, everywhere. 
  31. Wake up everyday and say what you're grateful for - make it a daily habit and it is a great way to start to the day 
  32. Have a solid pair of black & nude heels - ones that you could wear out for the night or in the office 
  33. Join clubs/organizations - it's a great way to meet new people that you share common interests in and it looks great on your resume 
  34. Dress for yourself, not for guys - they don't notice anyway so wear what makes you feel good 
  35. Don't over pluck - I can't emphasize this enough but thin eyebrows aren't cute 
  36. Wear daily moisturizer - your skin will thank you and SPF is a big bonus 
  37. Keep the selfies to a minimum - never ever post mirror pics 
  38. Don't waste your time on people who suck the life out of you - it lifts a big weight off your shoulder and you obviously don't need them 
  39. An occasional breakdown is healthy - don't keep it bottled up! grab some wine and have a good cry 
  40. Take as many pictures as possible - who cares if it is annoying at the time but you'll appreciate having those memories saved later 
  41. Go on road trips - grab the girls/boyfriend/sibling and get out of town for two days, it is rejuvenating 
  42. Buy cheap mascara - it doesn't change whether its 6 or 60 bucks, save the money 
  43. Create a plan - know your goals and how you are going to achieve them, it's okay if they change 
  44. Don't text and drive - it's tempting but don't! If you really can't help it put the cellphone in the trunk 
  45. Don't eat past 10 - It's unhealthy to sleep on that food but if you do choose Whataburger honey butter chicken biscuits:) 
  46. Always ask for a student discount - anywhere you can save money, do it! 
  47. Create a professional network - don't lose contact with people you have worked with, they'll be references later 
  48. Learn how you like your coffee - it is a rite of passage for college students
  49. Create a professional email address - have one that you can put on business cards or your resume 
  50. Live selfishly - I don't mean forget other people, but use this time to find yourself, love yourself and find your passions!! College is the beginning of your life:) 

Now my birth certificate may indicate that I'm 22 years old and my diploma might mean that I attended                                a university for four years, but I feel like I just started my life. 

Thank you for reading:)


gone girl.

Last week, I disappeared off the map. I was not to be disturbed. For almost five days all I could talk about, think about, dream about was Gone girl, the psychological thriller by Gillian Flynn. I had heard it was going to become a movie this year starring Ben Affleck (HOLLA) so I thought I’d give it a try. While reading the book I was stunned, exhilarated and could not guess what was going to happen next. Murder; manipulation and a marraiage that went terribly wrong in the worst way possible. It is truly one of the best books I have read in a while, with a clever plot, toxic characters and twists that keep you thinking how did someone come up with this. I would recommend reading it but not if you plan on being productive for at least 3 days.


Good Apples

Last week I sat down and watched the news…sadly it was the first time in months. 
Wow! It was intense, to say the least. The first story was about a 9 yr. old being shot in a drive-by and the next was on a 93 yr. old man being jumped and carjacked. There is so much bad in this world, that it can be classified unfathomable. 

I understand there is evil in this world and I am not naive to what happens around me. 
However, if I were sit around and dwell on this negativity it would eat me up like the monster that it is. 

So I am challenging myself to look inward... & focus on the positive in this world and in my life. 

Throughout life we either have or are going to encounter bad apples. These are people who let the negativity control their lives and ruin others. 

We can't fall victim to the rotten fruits but overcome and persevere the negativity. 

It is easy to let the bad apples' thoughts and actions affect our thoughts and actions. The hard part is standing up to this negativity and dust your shoulders off (jay-z voice). 

Do you ever get so inspired that you feel like doing something unimaginable (at least for me) like running a marathon or winning a national contest? I LIVE FOR THAT FEELING. 

Here is a little list of somethings that will help keep the bad apples away: 

  • Always Wear A Smile
    • Not the creepy, forced smile but a genuine, warm smile. People will naturally feel more relaxed and comfortable around you. It will also make you feel better. 
  • Remember Your Worth 
    • A lot of times we undervalue who we are and over value what we are not. Take a moment to tell yourself 5 things that you truly appreciate about yourself. Be so secure in yourself you can just laugh it off when you hear other people's opinions about you. 
  • Clean Up
    • Take an hour (for me 4) and clean your room. I'm talking vacuum out and sweat dripping' cleaning. Make sure you dust off those books and windex your window to let the sun in. 
  • Perform A Random Act of Kindness
    • Random acts of kindness are the easiest ways to feel better about yourself and the world around you. It can be as easy as holding the door open for someone or calling your grandmother.
Next time you get down from the negativity remember that you never know who you could be inspiring…


an ode to al

 Some people look up to movie stars and some people admire athletes but I have always seen my little sister, as my role model. 

I wish the world had more people like Alex Stern. 

"Side by side, or miles apart…..We are sisters, connected by the heart"


I can't believe you are moving over 1000 miles away from me and I will not see you until Christmas. It all seems so surreal and I still think that I can just pop in your room and you'll be there cuddled up with Tucker or Butter. 

It is funny that when I was younger I did not realize what an amazing gift it was to have to a sibling, especially a sister like you. They are someone to grow with and to share your struggles, joys, failures and triumphs with. Throughout your entire life you have attracted success and radiated positivity. I know you will do the same in this next exciting chapter of your life.  

Something that I have always admired about you is that you are able to make people feel like they are the only the one in the room. No matter what you make anyone feel special and important. It is a gift that people can't help but love about you. You are able to bring out the best in everyone you meet. You have such a big heart that is able to love without judgement or fear. 

To be honest, I have always been envious of the fact that you are completely yourself. You are not afraid to show people who you really are. You are quirky, genuine, loving, gentle, strong, determined and beautiful. 

You are my better half and I couldn't be more proud to call you my little sister. Always remember that if you fall I will be here to pick you back up. All of my best memories in life are with you and the stories we have together are priceless. You have taught me so much about the beauty of life. 

I am so proud of you that you are chasing your dreams. I can't wait to see everything that lies ahead of you in this wonderful life of yours. 

Our paths may take us in different directions but the bond we share is unbreakable. I am so lucky to have such an amazing best friend like you to be there for me the rest of my life. 

I want to watch you graduate, to stand by you as you get married, squeeze your hand while you are poppin out babies and play bingo with you when we are old and wrinkly. 

Never forget how special and gifted you truly are. 

I love you unconditionally! 

Your big sis, Tay 

Please watch this slideshow to get a glimpse of what a special person Alex really is:) 


Give Thanks

It is that time again for too much turkey, family arguing over who makes the best sweet potatoes and watching long hours of football. Thanksgiving is probably second in my "Top 5 Holidays" coming close to Valentine's Day but that's another blog post. I have kept the same routine for Thanksgiving Day for a while now and I do not plan on changing it anytime soon. I basically spend most of my day in pajamas, no make-up on watching the Macy's Day Parade and drinking pumpkin spice coffee. Anyway back to the point, I love Thanksgiving so much due to the reason that it is a not so subtle reminder to bring some positive perspective into this crazy life of mine.

It is the time to reflect and be grateful for all of the wonderful, unique blessings we each have in our lives. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what those blessings are but we all have them whether it be you're thankful for Netflix or you just got a job promotion. I wanted to share the 8 (my lucky number) blessings in my life that I am most thankful for, in no particular order of importance.

I Give Thanks For Never Going To The Doctor's Office
This is one that sometimes I really forget to be thankful for but it gives me so much perspective in my life. I am so lucky that myself and those close to me are healthy. My fantastic roommate Amanda works at UNM hospital and I do not know how she does it but she is amazing. There are so many people who are sick and fighting for their lives. I'm so lucky to have a healthy mind to keep learning and gaining knowledge. 

I Give Thanks For Cramming For Tests 
Yeah I say I hate school most of the time actually probably once a day. However, I forget just how fortunate I am to be able to have a high level of education. So many people will never be able to have a college degree or even a high school diploma. I am truly thankful for every lesson I learn and every test I take. 

I Give Thanks For Being Land Locked
I am so happy that I live in the Land of Enchantment, free from most natural disasters. I have never known the feeling of being worried that my house and every belonging would be ripped away from me. I love looking out my front door and seeing the beautiful Sandia Mountains and seeing the seasons change. 

I Give Thanks For Doing What I Love
So many people are not able to do what they love in life, but I have been doing this for a while now. I am so passionate about sports and to be able to have had the opportunities that I've had has been such a privilege. The most rewarding part of my job is to be able to show people what they won't see during a game. 

I Give Thanks For Jonnyboy's Cooking
I take this for granted the most. Good food and water is not a right for everyone in this world. I am so lucky for the plentiful food I have for me every single day. I am also thankful for clean water that it is so available to me. 

I Give Thanks For Special People 
The only thing that I know for sure is that I could never survive life alone. I am so blessed to have absolutely remarkable people in my life. I am so thankful for my crazy, goofy family, my hilarious, supportive friends and my amazing, caring boyfriend. I cannot explain in simple words how much these people truly mean to me. I could be having the worst day but with a simple text or call I can feel instantly so loved and reassured. One of my favorite quotes, "Happiness is only real when shared" this is so true because whenever something great happens to me it doesn't feel real until I have shared it with some of the great people in my life. 

I Give Thanks For Having A Full Closet
Although I sometimes feel like I have nothing to wear, my closet is spilling over with clothing for me to wear. To so many this is not a luxury that I take for granted. I am able to wear a coat when it is cold or break out a new pair of boots. 

I Give Thanks For Steve Jobs
I am currently typing away on my MacBook and texting on my iPhone, Apple has taken over my life. I am so thankful for technology and social media. I don't even have to watch TV anymore because I can simply check my twitter timeline to know what is going on. I love it all and am truly blessed to be able to make Siri mad or check Pinterest. Not to mention Steve Jobs is a huge inspiration in my life. 

I Give Thanks For Freedom 
I have so much gratitude for the past and present troops risking their lives and protecting our freedom. We are so blessed to have the freedom that we do and I am guilty of sometimes forgetting this. We take advantage of the fact that we live in the great country of America.

This is not even the tip of the iceberg of everything that I am thankful for but just a few of the biggest things that I have been blessed with in my life. So I hope while you are enjoying your Thanksgiving that you stop and think about all of the wonderful blessings we all have in our lives. Whether it be that you have lazy Sundays or that you have a roof over your head, we are all blessed. 



"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten."
- Lilo & Stitch

Well I have not blogged in FOREVER. Hopefully you have been following my tweets and facebook to see what's been going on!

This post goes out to the people who have been with me since day 1: my family
I know its cliche to say but I really don't know what I would do without them. I'm so blessed to have the family that I do. I owe my mom, dad and sister everything. 

Mom: Les

Thank you for teaching me to find the beautiful and good in life. Moms and daughters have such an interesting dynamic but it's something magical. The traits that I truly admire from my mother is her unbreakable strength and the fact that she will stand up for what she believes in. She knows when to be silly and when to be serious. She can make you feel like a million bucks in just one instant. She went to everyone of my tennis matches even when it was literally below zero outside just to be my number one fan. Everything she does has great thought involved. The fact that she is not afraid to be herself has always inspired me. My mom was there to take me to ice cream after my first break up and she is the first one I call when something exciting happens. She is truly a superwoman!

Dad: Jonnyboy

You're amazing. I cannot even explain how happy I am to have such a healthy and rewarding relationship with my father. The coolest thing about my dad is that he wanted to be a pilot since he was a little boy and he did everything he could to make his dream come true. My dad is such a selfless man that would do anything for his wife and daughters. He listens to me and gives me the advice I need to hear. The best memory I have with my dad when he took my sister and I to see the Spy Kids movie. I had wanted to see it so badly and he took us. Afterward we went to Pizza Hut. Sounds boring right? I can honestly say that is the first time I cried from laughing so hard. I still remember my stomach hurting because I couldn't breathe. We had such a good time telling stories and just enjoying each other's company. He is a remarkable human being.

Sister: Al The Pal

Al The Pal, the first time I met you went kind of like this. You were a newborn in the hospital and I kissed you and then cried. It's majestic and I am so glad we have it on film. I seriously want to cry thinking about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Everything I have done in life you have been there either to tattle on me or join. You have never tried to be something you weren't and you are the most down to earth person I have ever encountered. You can laugh at yourself and you make people feel better just by being around you. People fall in love with you instantly. I want you to remember that I will forever be by your side. I am proud of you.

There have been times when I have wanted to run away and when I have been embarrassed by my family. However, there is such an unconditional love and bond between us that will never diminish. It is easy to forget families and take them for granted. Sometimes you do not see everything they are sacrificing or doing for you. It's hard to remember to say thank you. Sometimes families aren't blood related and that is just as special.

I had the opportunity to go to the 2012 Women's Final Four and it was an experience of a lifetime. The one thing that I will never forget is the Baylor press conference after they won the National Championship. Head Coach Kim Mulkey had her mom in the crowd wearing the net around her neck. In the midst of all of the excitement she said something that I will cherish forever.