

"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten."
- Lilo & Stitch

Well I have not blogged in FOREVER. Hopefully you have been following my tweets and facebook to see what's been going on!

This post goes out to the people who have been with me since day 1: my family
I know its cliche to say but I really don't know what I would do without them. I'm so blessed to have the family that I do. I owe my mom, dad and sister everything. 

Mom: Les

Thank you for teaching me to find the beautiful and good in life. Moms and daughters have such an interesting dynamic but it's something magical. The traits that I truly admire from my mother is her unbreakable strength and the fact that she will stand up for what she believes in. She knows when to be silly and when to be serious. She can make you feel like a million bucks in just one instant. She went to everyone of my tennis matches even when it was literally below zero outside just to be my number one fan. Everything she does has great thought involved. The fact that she is not afraid to be herself has always inspired me. My mom was there to take me to ice cream after my first break up and she is the first one I call when something exciting happens. She is truly a superwoman!

Dad: Jonnyboy

You're amazing. I cannot even explain how happy I am to have such a healthy and rewarding relationship with my father. The coolest thing about my dad is that he wanted to be a pilot since he was a little boy and he did everything he could to make his dream come true. My dad is such a selfless man that would do anything for his wife and daughters. He listens to me and gives me the advice I need to hear. The best memory I have with my dad when he took my sister and I to see the Spy Kids movie. I had wanted to see it so badly and he took us. Afterward we went to Pizza Hut. Sounds boring right? I can honestly say that is the first time I cried from laughing so hard. I still remember my stomach hurting because I couldn't breathe. We had such a good time telling stories and just enjoying each other's company. He is a remarkable human being.

Sister: Al The Pal

Al The Pal, the first time I met you went kind of like this. You were a newborn in the hospital and I kissed you and then cried. It's majestic and I am so glad we have it on film. I seriously want to cry thinking about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Everything I have done in life you have been there either to tattle on me or join. You have never tried to be something you weren't and you are the most down to earth person I have ever encountered. You can laugh at yourself and you make people feel better just by being around you. People fall in love with you instantly. I want you to remember that I will forever be by your side. I am proud of you.

There have been times when I have wanted to run away and when I have been embarrassed by my family. However, there is such an unconditional love and bond between us that will never diminish. It is easy to forget families and take them for granted. Sometimes you do not see everything they are sacrificing or doing for you. It's hard to remember to say thank you. Sometimes families aren't blood related and that is just as special.

I had the opportunity to go to the 2012 Women's Final Four and it was an experience of a lifetime. The one thing that I will never forget is the Baylor press conference after they won the National Championship. Head Coach Kim Mulkey had her mom in the crowd wearing the net around her neck. In the midst of all of the excitement she said something that I will cherish forever.

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