
Why don't you just...

We all have those cloudy, low and all together not-so-perfect days. 
It may seem like you're carrying five sumo wrestlers on your shoulders and the world is simply against you. 
Fight the world back!!!
Life is too short to accept to have awful and disheartening days. 
Seriously, bad days are wastes. Time to smile and love life! 

Surround Yourself 
Okay, you're sad and you feel like talking to no one and just being alone. False, go out and force yourself to be surrounded by happy and positive people. Go to your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, sister, roommate or your dog! It doesn't matter, just find someone and make them hang out with you until can feel a smile coming back onto your face. Smiles are contagious and you can't catch them if you're alone. 

Jump, Jump Around
You have to dance that sad right out of you! The crummy feeling isn't going to go away if you aren't listening to music or are listening to moapy depressing songs. It's amazing how much better I will feel if I turn up my favorite song of the moment and start jumping around and dancing like a total fool. It's embarrassing I know but really who is watching you? Sing the words so loud that you forget why you were not feeling so hot! 

You can't help but dance to this!!

Work It Out 
Chances of you feeling better after you indulge in a pint of ice cream are very slim. Sorry, it's the honest truth. Chances of you feeling better after you have an amazing workout are very high. Yup, bring on the endorphines. Go work out! You'll feel better in no time. You don't have to go to the gym... go for a walk, go rock climbing, just do whatever you can to get your blood pumping!!

Do Over
You're not going to feel better when you're sitting in your sweats and messy hair. You just can't help but feel better if you put on that new cute outfit, put on your makeup and do your hair!!

Tomorrow's A New Day
Realize yeah today might have sucked, but there is always tomorrow! Beathe and make it through. You're a rockstar!!

Take care teddy bear,


Happy MLK Day!

On the third Monday in January each year the United States honors one of the greatest nonviolent activist that ever lived. It is not just a day off of school but a day to reflect on everything that Martin Luther King, Jr. did for us to change the way we live today. Dr. King was truly an inspiration to all and there is a lot that we can learn from him...

Have a little faith
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great man of faith. He also respected men and women of different faiths. The main point though is that he believed, so much that he fought to the very death for what he believed in.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase."

Do Something 
Not only was King dedicated to racial equality but he was deeply invested in fighting poverty. He wanted to make a change not only in America but across the globe. In 1968 he founded "The Poor People's Campaign" which helped with rebuilding cities and changing the economic systems in communities. 

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle."

Violence Is Never The Answer 
King was keen to meet Ghandi, and traveled all the way to India in 1959. He became absolutely convinced that justice and racial equality would be achieved through the use of nonviolent resistance. To the day he died he never used violence to get anything he wanted. 

“We who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive.” 

Be Yourself
Martin Luther King, Jr. saw the special and spark in everyone. He truly believed that each of us were here for a purpose but together we would make this world a better place. No matter what color you are, what religion you believe, no matter where you're from, you belong here. 

“Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”

So while you're enjoying your day off, take a moment to think of all that this man did for humanity. 

Love one another & share peace, 

To Learn more about MLK, visit this site!


Second Semester Survival

Alright so winter break is over and you're in for the long haul. Soon to be home free in just 16-weeks. Easy, you've done this every year since you've been in school...
survive the second semester
To me the second semester is definitely the one that really goes by quickly. Now I say we end the year being fabulous!! 

Stop Dreading & Embrace
It is inevitable, you have to go back to school so put your best foot (in a cute shoe) forward. By having a confident and prepared attitude it will make everything that much easier. The first thing I usually do is make mental goals for the semester like getting a certain GPA, working out 4 times a week or joining a new club. Make the goals attainable and realistic for yourself. This way at the end of this semester you'll always have a sense of accomplishment. 

Sleeping Beauty
We've all been there where we are sitting in class and nearly fall out of our seat after dozing off for a second. That's because we are depriving ourselves of the sleep that we need. I know first hand how easy it is to stay up until two in the morning watching Netflix but I will have wished I had gone to bed at 5 p.m. when I'm struggling the next morning. Sleep helps everything from your overall performance to your metabolism. The average college student gets five hours of sleep a night when in reality we need 7-8 hours. I know that amount of sleep can be nearly impossible due to the insane schedules we all have. The easiest solution is making sleep a priority just like eating or working out. What helps me, is by simply saying to myself, "Okay I need to finish my homework by ten and be asleep by eleven!" Then I give myself some extra time in case something comes up. Believe me, you don't want to be that kid getting drool all over their notebooks anymore!!

Go Shopping!
This is my personal favorite. Buying new clothes will make you excited to go to school and show off how cute you are!! Now I'm not saying go on a shopping spree but it helps to go out and get some things to add some zest. I like to sometimes get a new eyeshadow, a perfume or just a new pair of jeans! It all helps you feel ready, plus you deserve it.  I usually don't go too crazy at the mall because before I know it it's spring and I'll need warm weather outfits. However, it's always fun to get some new accessories, shoes or makeup! It's all up to you. Oh and who doesn't love to buy some new school supplies while you're at it?

Nerds Are Cool
It's Saturday night all of your friends are going out and you're faced to decide do I join them or do I study for the huge test I have on Monday? Now be honest you probably chose to join them, but I'm sure your friends aren't the ones who have to cram all Sunday night.  There will always be something going on the next week! It's important to have fun but just make sure you're done with school first.

Fuel Up 
To take on the world we have to make sure that we are powering our bodies up the right way. It's really important to be eating the foods that will get our brain going all day! Honestly this sounds so cliche but really don't forget to eat breakfast. It jump starts your day and gets everything going. My favorite breakfast foods are smoothies or good ol' oatmeal. Green tea is also something I've really come to love for the morning. 

Me Time
During the school year it is easy to just keep on going until you have run yourself into the ground. That is why it is so important to take a day (or two) and dedicate it to yourself. Whether it is going to get a mani/pedi, going to see a movie or just taking a long bath it is important you take some time alone. Catch up on your favorite TV show or read that book that is collecting dust on the shelf. This helps you collect your thoughts and breath a little. Trust me, it will save you from that breakdown in the future. 

Have a Planner
I would die without my planner. I have it everywhere I go if not I would probably forget what I'm supposed to do tomorrow. They are easy and don't have to be super expensive I think I bought mine at Target but it's a lifesaver. I write everything down in there, my homework, my work schedule and all of my upcoming events. Sometimes there is so much on my plate that I have to remember that I just forget.  I just check it every so often throughout the day and I'm good to go! 

Let's face it you're young, have some fun! When your friends want to take a spontaneous weekend trip, GO! Those are the memories you won't forget. If you're being smart and getting your work done, you deserve to let loose!! 

Ace this year, see ya later!!



Mad props to the geniuses who created Pandora. Gosh I love you so much and how can you not? I remember hearing about it years ago. At that time though I was unaware of how great it truly is. That is until I started getting lazy and not making obsurd amounts of iTunes playlists anymore. 

I can relate:( Just switch to a new station:)
Pandora is perfect and always fits whatever mood I'm in. The diversity of my music taste is not a problem since Pandora is custom and encourages feedback to create more of what you like. I listen to it when I workout, when I'm driving, when I'm walking to class, seriously anywhere and anytime.  

Without a doubt I have the most random stations though, but I love them all just as much.
My stations tell a lot about me, you'll see. What do yours say about you?
I'm just going to go ahead and list them all, judgement free. Tell me what you think and if you have any station suggestions. 

  • Adele (Obviously)
  • Atmosphere (Classic favorite of mine)
  • Black Keys (Popular right now) 
  • Bon Iver
  • Britney Spears (good to run to)
  • Bruno Mars
  • Carla Bruni (French & remarkable)
  • Cheryl Cole (English pop star, who rocks!!)
  • Coldplay
  • Contemporary Country 
  • Country Christmas (It's a must)
  • Country Pop
  • Ellie Goulding
  • Foster The People
  • Girl Talk (Mixed Pop Music)
  • He Is We (So adorable)
  • If I were a boy (One of my favorite Beyonce songs)
  • Jack Johnson (Simply a Pandora staple) 
  • James Morrison
  • John Mayer
  • Kanye West
  • Katy Perry
  • Kellie Pickler
  • Ke$ha
  • Kid Cudi (A favorite)
  • Kings of Leon
  • Lady Antebellum
  • Lil Wayne (I workout to this)
  • Miranda Lambert
  • Natasha Bedingfield
  • Nicki Minaj
  • One Republic
  • Pop and Hip-Hop (Another good workout playlist)
  • R&B/Pop Holiday 
  • Rascall Flatts
  • Rob Pattinson (Guilty.)
  • Rosie Golan (Sister turned me on to her, she's great)
  • Sara Bareilles
  • Snow Patrol (Sleepy mix)
  • Stand still, look pretty (Folksy)
  • Sugarland
  • Taylor Swift Holiday
  • Taylor Swift (ALL-TIME FAVORITE)
  • The Fray
  • The Script
  • Today's Country
  • Today's Hip-Hop and R&B
  • Today's Hits
  • We Found Love (Love this song) 

So obviously I have an obsene amount of stations but oh well, you should too!! 
I just add a new station whenever I have a new music obsession and that's what Pandora is there for so I'm taking it for all it's worth.

*Pandora Tip: Make sure you always give a song thumbs up or down! If you give it a thumbs down, it will never play that song again on that station and skip to the next song. If you give it a thumbs up, it will play more songs like that to make your listening experience that much better!

I'm going to go jam out now, see ya later!! 



DISCLAIMER: This will be a place of inspiration, learning and love.  

Yes, I have officially jumped on the blogging bandwagon. One of my resolutions for the new year was to write more. Seeing as it is 2012, I couldn't imagine a better way than to simply blog. I can't promise you anything but I do hope that you read it with at least a glimpse of what I'm trying to get across. 

First and for most, I love life. Plain and simple.
There is so much knowledge in this wonderful world, I just want to be able to share mine with you. 

I have been alive for only nineteen years, but in this short time I have experienced a lot and learned more. 
Some things have changed my life forever, some things that I would have never expected and some things that will always stay the same.

I chose to name my blog serendipity because it is my favorite word of all time. 
I first fell in love with the word about ten years ago. I had heard somebody say it in passing and I was immediately intrigued. 
Granted I was young but somehow it has always stuck with me. I think serendipity can truly describe life in the way that somehow everything turns out to be okay and in a way it's always beautiful.

I will be blogging as often as I can. About absolutely anything that comes into my mind and whenever I feel inspired. Ok, you've been warned. 
So to get you prepared for what is to come I'm going to leave you with some little tid bits about myself.

 I love sports

I love them all. Sports have always been my "thing". The "thing" I am most passionate about. I became interested in athletics and sports at a young age, by being involved in basically every sport I could. There is something about sports that just gets my heart racing and I feel complete happiness. 

All I Do Is Laugh 

Not a day goes by where I haven't had at least a million laughing fits. Make me laugh and we're instantly best friends. 

Family First 

They're my best friends and the people who have made me who I am. 

 Social Network Nut 

I take full advantage of my generation's obsession with social media. So friend me (Taylor Stern) , follow me (@TayStern), pinterest, tumble, stumble, well you get the point. 

Well, that's about it. Tata for now!