
Why don't you just...

We all have those cloudy, low and all together not-so-perfect days. 
It may seem like you're carrying five sumo wrestlers on your shoulders and the world is simply against you. 
Fight the world back!!!
Life is too short to accept to have awful and disheartening days. 
Seriously, bad days are wastes. Time to smile and love life! 

Surround Yourself 
Okay, you're sad and you feel like talking to no one and just being alone. False, go out and force yourself to be surrounded by happy and positive people. Go to your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, sister, roommate or your dog! It doesn't matter, just find someone and make them hang out with you until can feel a smile coming back onto your face. Smiles are contagious and you can't catch them if you're alone. 

Jump, Jump Around
You have to dance that sad right out of you! The crummy feeling isn't going to go away if you aren't listening to music or are listening to moapy depressing songs. It's amazing how much better I will feel if I turn up my favorite song of the moment and start jumping around and dancing like a total fool. It's embarrassing I know but really who is watching you? Sing the words so loud that you forget why you were not feeling so hot! 

You can't help but dance to this!!

Work It Out 
Chances of you feeling better after you indulge in a pint of ice cream are very slim. Sorry, it's the honest truth. Chances of you feeling better after you have an amazing workout are very high. Yup, bring on the endorphines. Go work out! You'll feel better in no time. You don't have to go to the gym... go for a walk, go rock climbing, just do whatever you can to get your blood pumping!!

Do Over
You're not going to feel better when you're sitting in your sweats and messy hair. You just can't help but feel better if you put on that new cute outfit, put on your makeup and do your hair!!

Tomorrow's A New Day
Realize yeah today might have sucked, but there is always tomorrow! Beathe and make it through. You're a rockstar!!

Take care teddy bear,

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