
Hottie Tottie Body

 Yes, it’s that time again when you are forced to transition from the baggy sweatshirt to the tanks. The awful time when you are desperately wishing that your short shorts still fit the same way they did last summer. It’s a dreaded time for all girls BUT it doesn’t have to be.

We have all packed on those extra winter pounds that hide nicely under our loose fitting sweaters and I think along with the sweaters the pounds should go to.

The best way to do this is to be smart and not have the “easy street” mentality. Anything that sounds too good to be true….is! Doing it the right way will make your body hot all summer long.

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you be the most beautiful beach angel out there!

  • Take Vitamin E: Vitamin E is essential for that healthy, glowing skin that you crave in the warm weather. Start taking it in the morning and make it a routine.

  • Don’t go back for seconds: After you’ve had your first plate don’t immediately go grab more. Your stomach hasn’t caught up to you yet so it can’t tell if you’re full or not. The best thing to do is wait about fifteen minutes, then see where your body’s at.

  • Make Water Your Best Friend: I know, I know you hear this all the time but really drink water all day! It is literally the best flush you can give your body to clean out and make you gorgeous. Also if you only drink milk and water, you’ll have that flat tummy in no time.

  • Try not to snack: Make sure that you are eating only at your meals; it makes a huge difference in keeping your calories under control. This way you are not adding up unnecessary calories all day long. If you are about to die and can’t wait to eat then grab an apple, veggies, or some almonds.

  • Deep condition: Your hair is starving for some moisture that it has been missing during the winter blues. So buy any deep conditioner and give your hair some lovin!

  • Buy your dream bikini NOW: Yep, get that sucker hanging up on your closet door this instant. Of course be realistic but make it a goal that you are working for. If you see it everyday the more and more you’re going to manifest the idea of getting to that point.

  • Exfoliate: Buy a great smelling body scrub and let your skin get ready to be bronze and beautiful. It’ll make that dry, dull skin look radiant instantly. Make sure you get the rough spots like your elbows, knees and feet.

  • Exercise wherever you are: I get it we have all have extremely busy lives and it’s sometimes really hard to find or make the time to workout. So workout when you can and where you can. Try taking the stairs or walking at your lunch break. Instead of taking that nap, go to the gym. Wake up thirty minutes early and take a quick run. These little things will help you get there.

  • Find Your Inspiration: Pinterest just might be the answer to this one. Make a virtual pin board of fitness goals, style goals and anything else that will help you get to your best bikini body.

  • Eat More Protein: Get more protein into you diet! Consuming more lean protein will burn more fat, and calories and will thus keep you leaner and meaner. Some of my favorite foods for lean protein? – Salmon, canned tuna, garbanzo beans, tofu, eggs, almonds.

  • Be happy: The prettiest people are always the happiest! So never leave anywhere without wearing your gorgeous smile!!

See your gorgeous self soon:) 


It's A Mindset...

Building Up Your Mental Strength

            It’s funny how much your own confidence and faith really does dictate your life. I fully believe that anything your little heart desires is possible and completely attainable. The only thing stopping us is our selves. We set our own boundaries and limits. I think it’s time to let free yourself. You’ll do wonders!

When everything in life is broken down, you realize that everything is a mental battle. For example: when I used to play tennis if I went into a game fully believing I would win, I usually came out on top. Or when I first started driving I was terrified until I took a second to think that if millions of people could do it, then I sure could too. Most things in life are a mental hurdle that takes full confidence, belief and support to jump over successfully. 

The first step to accomplishing everything you set your mind to is believing in yourself. It's easy to stay in your comfort zone but you're holding yourself back from greatness. I am so guilty of this, I find this often in the way I workout. I am comfortable with just running one mile. Anymore running from that I feel awkward and I usually make up a lot of excuses to stop. Sometimes I encounter this self doubt when I'm dealing with a breakup or just a falling out with someone, if you set your mind to believing that you will get over it chances are that you will! 

Second step is finding a support group. You will be as high up as the people who you are associating yourself with are. It is very important to surround yourself with supportive and people with common values as yours. If you are wanting to start working out more it's probably best to start hanging out with the girl who runs everyday at 5. I'm not saying abandoning your other friends but extend your friend network. 

Finally it's time to take action. Sign up for something that will help you on your way to getting out of your comfort zone and breaking those mental walls down! Stand up and do something because you're on your way to doing the impossible!!

Quick trick: Say what you want to yourself as many times as necessary until YOU believe in it!



Fancy & Free, 


A New Decade...

Bring on the roaring 20s! 
Another birthday has come and gone but it's time for me to start a new chapter in my life. 
The beginning of a new decade in my life. Yes, this sounds silly seeing as the last time I started a new decade I was 10 yrs. old.

However, when I was 10 yrs. old I was convinced I was going to marry Justin Timberlake and become a pop sensation. I gave up on that dream at age 11. 

I'm terribly excited for what's ahead though. I was thinking back yesterday on the fact that life only gets better each and every moment. The people you meet, the things you involve yourself with...all get better! It's weird and I can't even explain it but I feel like no matter what curve ball gets thrown my way the days ahead will be amazing.

The saying "everything happens for a reason" sometimes gets exhausted to the point where people don't believe it. Yet, to me it is the only phrase that I know is absolutely true. It is important to always keep faith and hope that your life is going the way it is planned to. 

I'm ecstatic to see what will happen in the next 10 years.

I have decided to set 10 goals/challenges for myself. 

1. Keep My Mind Open
It is so easy to close your mind to hope and possibility. That does nothing but prevent future positive potential. It's vital to let yourself deal with things without judgement or preconceived notions. 

2. Don't Take No For An Answer 
Someone once told me that when people say no it might also mean not right now. I think saying not right now is a whole lot better than no never. If it is not right now then that leaves room for hope that it is still possible. So if you find yourself feeling like something is impossible, remember that you have nothing to lose. Keep going after it! 

3. Dress To Always Impress 
Whether people like it or not, a physical appearance is necessary for your own happiness. I say this because I know that when I am looking my best it's when I am feeling my best. So wear that dress that you've been saving for a special occasion because life is too short! 

4. Change Is Good 
I believe that change is always good. Sometimes people just outgrow their current surroundings and have to expand on to new and growable situations. 

5. Surround Myself With Good People 
Unfortunately in this day and age it is hard to trust people. That is so sad to say but when you find those positive and genuine people, do not let them go! It is necessary to only have people in your life who want to bring you up and see you succeed. 

6. Stop Playing Coy
Always say what you need to say! People hold back sometimes from saying what they really want to because it can make them vulnerable. However, those people who would hurt you when you are weak are people that you don't want to involve yourself with.

7. Find The Joy In The Little Things
I hope that I always look for the little joys in things.

8. Let It Go 
When something ends in my life, I hope that I find the strength to let it go and move on. Only to know that something much better is coming my way.

9. Don't Act Like I Know Everything 
It's easy to think that we have it all figured out. However, you can learn something new everyday whether it is about yourself or just plain knowledge.

10. Make Everyday Count
Enough said.

I know all of these seem so obvious but they can be so easy to forget. 
I can not wait to see what's in store for me so keep the good times coming!!

Ta-Ta Banana, 


Live Your Dash

"So when your eulogy is being read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?"
-The Dash By Linda Ellis 

This poem ahead was showed to me by a very good friend and it made me think and really reflect on my own life. What things can I be doing differently? Time and time again I have been reminded of just how short life can be. Sometimes thinking about life really scares me. I think what scares me the most is the unknown. We never know when our last day will be or if we will make it worth it. I just hope that when they are reading my eulogy it is a celebration of the fabulous life that I lead. 

MAXIMIZE your dash!

I know this is cliche, but frankly I don't care. 
I'll do it anyway. 

If tomorrow the big guy dropped the big curtains down, I would hope that I could say I did it all. 

Maybe not allof it but I've composed a small list of the top eight (my lucky number) that are simply a must. 
In no particular order it just needs to happen. 

Travel To Greece 

It's odd I'm not from here or anything of that sort. I just have always had an urgency to see the country and travel around. To be honest, I just really want to go there. 

Be In A Wedding 

To know that someone would want to include  you in one of the most important days in their lives says a heck of a lot about you. The wedding photos, the matching dresses, the little toasts it just makes my heart smile. 

Meet Oprah

Laugh all you want, I used to literally run home sometimes to catch the Oprah show. She is the first person who made me believe in the American dream. Plus, she is basically the definition of a role model for women!

Be In A Confetti Celebration 

I'm not going to be picky of what kind of celebration it is. Whether it is for a sports championship or just confetti rain I'd be pretty pumped. How cool  does that look!! 

Learn How To Snowboard
Yes I am behind like 10 years on this one. I think the last time I was on a mountain I literally was missing my two front teeth. I just always say I'm going to but I never do, so if you know someone who could help me out or just come with me that would be great! 

Have My Own Horse 

I don't know a more beautiful creature on the planet. 

Spend A Month On The Road

The destination would be unknown but it would be more about the journey. I'd have to bring 
someone along of course, but I think it would be a liberating experience.

Host Saturday Night Live 

To me this would be the epitome of meaning that I have truly made it. I imagine it being such a great experience! Such a blast and humor is my favorite!! 

So that's it, these things need to happen in my lifetime. I'm flexible on a couple of them but I hope that at least I have done everything that I can to reach for the stars. I don't want to look back and think that I could have done more. 

I encourage you all to just be able not follow but chase your dreams and start making lists 

and plans on how to make that happen!!

So what will say when they are reading your eulogy?

Bon Voyage,